Saturday, July 11, 2009

I just love a good workout

So Friday didn't quite go as I had planned in lab. I got there right on time because B didn't want to go workout in the morning and I sure as heck wasn't going alone. As it turns out, I should have gone anyway, but not much I can do about it now. I get all my stuff set up, worked a little bit on writing a few more sentences for my abstract and then I got out all my worms and checked them out. The males were still too young and my mutagenized worms were just laying eggs and I thought maybe my second strain would be ready to be picked. So I picked a bunch of L4s and that took forever. They weren't exactly easy to find, but I was on a hunt.
S's paper got accepted at JCB, so we were all about celebrating. BC brought in some champagne and other snacks. Right on our way to the party, BC grabbed me and we took a look at some of my worms. So we got together right before lunch and just sat around talking for like an hour. It was really nice to be chatting with everyone about everything. SR asked me if I was old enough to drink some champagne which made me giggle. So S poured us all a drink and we just relaxed. So in the 8 days that I've been in the lab, we've had two parties. Somehow I doubt it's always like this....but I wish it were. Since we took a long break, I missed lunch with everyone. I grabbed a veggie wrap and a cookie and had lunch with Y and Bo. They were really funny and we chatted about everyone in the SURF program, the GRE and getting into grad school. It was nice, but I feel like I hadn't been doing anything all day.
Then right after lunch I finally got up the guts and went to talk to my PI. BC was all ready to talk to me about the point of my research and so I got the information that I needed in order to write the last part of my abstract. And she told me to go back and finish it and e-mail it to her. Oh, I was so nervous about sharing my writing with her. So I spent so much more time looking at my abstract and working on it and refining it. I finally sent it to BC at like 4, but she was walking out the door. Such good timing on my part.
Last night was so much fun. I came back from work and just sat around for a while. We all went to dinner at Murphy's. I had some nachos and they were really really good. We just sat around and chatted for a while. Then we met AB for the ballet. I actually really enjoyed going to see the Aspen Santa Fe Ballet. I wasn't sure I was going to like it, but some of the songs were actually really cool. The boys were really really attractive and the girls were really super beautiful. I think all of us girls felt a little inadequate; those girls had really muscular legs. After the ballet we all went to The Canoe Club. It was really really fancy and expensive. R and I shared some fries and I had a Creme Brulee. It was soooooo good. After the Canoe Club, the boys and I went to 5 Old Nugget. It was really small and loud, but it was kind of fun. I stayed out too late, but it was a good time. Except for the part where some guys were all cranky because they thought we didn't tip the waitress enough. But they were super lame, so no worries.
Today wasn't very exciting. I slept in until 10. *gasp* I went to the bank. I went to the gym. I spent half an hour on the bike; that was like 10 miles. Then I ran for a mile and a half. I felt soooooo good after the workout. I went and took a nap for a little bit.
So far this evening, I've watched a couple of episodes of The Office with AH and R. Then B and I went to get dinner and now the four of us girls and A are watching John Tucker Must Die. Oh my's ridiculously funny. I don't know what the rest of the weekend holds, but I'm so glad it's the weekend. :-)

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