Friday, July 17, 2009

Surprise! I'm not entirely technologically illiterate!

Ugh. It's been a crazy long week. I don't know how I survive in school when things are just as busy and I sleep less. I must be out of my mind. Oh well. Wednesday was an interesting day. I got back from my lunch and seeded 400 plates. I borrowed ~50 from R and ~50 from S. With a little help from Rhiannon, I picked another 100 worms. I am so tired of picking worms, but I'd rather pick worms than do nothing like B sometimes does. This took a little bit of time. Honestly, I can't remember if I did anything after this. It's been too long of a time and there's been too little sleep since then.

Wednesday night was GRE class. Our teacher, N, said she'd bring us pizza so we didn't have to eat in Thayer. I watched the beginning of the series finale of Eli Stone and then walked to class. Of course there wasn't enough pizza to go around at class, so we all sat there with our stomach's growling. Class went so much better this time around. N didn't baby us at all. We literally looked at the problems, talked about how maybe to solve them and then we just did our own work. It went sooooooo much faster. We got out early, which was exciting. A asked if anyone wanted to go get some ice cream, so AH, R, B and I piled into his car to head to Ice Cream Fore U. I got the special of the week: peppermint stick, so I got a small ice cream for the price of a baby. I was pleased. :) and the ice cream was really good. I got back to the room around 10ish and was thinking about maybe heading to bed, but I wasn't tired yet so I went next door where N was hanging out with the rest of the boys. They decided they were hungry and so after taking forever to get ready, we went to EBAs, which stands for Everything But Anchovies. I didn't order anything because I only had $3 left after the trip to get ice cream where we also stopped at Shaw's and I got some popcorn. I had some of C's nachos though. Oh they were so good. Somehow I ended up with a glass of Bud Lite and I'm not sure how that happened. We were all just sitting around chatting with the waitress and eating food; it was nice. O managed to spill his beer on N and so we ended up being a little rowdy. Oops. N and I ended up being the party poopers and said we needed to go home and go to bed. I got back and didn't crawl into bed right away, which might be the reason I had trouble falling asleep in the end. *shrug*

Thursday was a great day, even though I was exhausted. I got up and came into work. I started my day the same as every other day this week. I picked the F1 worms off the plates from the day before and then I started picking worms for the new plates. I didn't finish this until after my lunch break. Once I finished picking worms, I met with BC to talk about my poster. At this point, I'd barely started it. All I'd done was put my title on, my name and research location information, the Dartmouth Medical School emblem-y thing and the long version of my abstract. My poster was all white and super boring. But now I have pictures and figures! I'm super pumped. (take that mom, I used the word super instead of really!!! hahahaha) After the meeting, BC and I got the small scope set up for some scoring. We put my worms from Monday on ice and I started data collection. Sort of. (such a harmless thing to say....) I didn't actually see any of the phenotypes that I was looking for on any of the plates I looked at. So I didn't actually have to write anything down, I just threw those plates in the biohazard bin. BC said I might have to look at 900 animals (or maybe she said plates) before I find a mutant phenotype. That's crazy. I haven't even made 900 plates. 600, yes. 900, no. rawr. This could take forever and I might never see anything. I'll be doing some more scoring today, I think.

Last night wasn't too terribly exciting. I got off work, came home and then turned around and went back to the gym. I ran 3 miles on the elliptical. I wish I had one at home. I could turn on the tv and run though an entire show. I ran 2.25 miles forwards, and 0.75 miles backwards. The running backwards hurts so much more than running forwards, but I'm trying to work all my muscles. If I wouldn't look like an idiot, I'd consider walking backwards every now and again because it works the other set of muscles. hahah. I also wish I had my hand weights here. Our room floor is so disgusting that I'm afraid to touch it, let alone do push-ups and sit-ups on it. My arms are missing out on their workout. I don't work my triceps at all here in Hanover, and I think they're sad. After I ran, I biked for nearly 25 minutes to round off my hour. I biked 7 miles while watching more HGTV. I love that channel. I love watching all the homes be transformed from average to extraordinary. I wish I could do that to our house....make all that clutter disappear. hahahahaha. As if that'll ever happen. :-P

After working out, I hurried home and quickly got cleaned up. We were having group dinner time at Thayer for the first time in a while. I tried to be good and I got a salad, but I decided I was too hungry for just a salad so I got a grilled cheese and tomato sandwich. I really should stop eating them and get something else, but it's just so easy. Maybe next time I'll wait in the sandwich line and get a veggie sub or something. After dinner I came back upstairs and worked on GRE stuff for a little bit until I heard the girls (sans N) were watching Mamma Mia. I took some popcorn and went down for the movie. I really enjoyed watching the movie and sort of humming along to the movie while doing more GRE stuff. After the movie I came back upstairs and waited up for O. His roommate's girlfriend was in town, so he was planning on staying in the empty bed in the other room to give them some privacy. In the end, he decided that he'd just go to bed in his own room. I was so annoyed because I could have gone to bed hours earlier, but I didn't want to go to bed and then have to get up to let O in and everything. rawr. Once I heard this, I went right to bed. Oh sleep is so good. I got up this morning. barely. I slept so well, but I was not ready to get up. I'm just glad that today is Friday and that means I can sleep until noon tomorrow if I want. :)

Oh my goodness, there has been so much drama here this summer. The group really has split down the middle, leaving me confused....I'm not sure where I belong. I really like the girls (R, B and AH) and A. They're really a lot of fun, but they're not always social. The boys (C, M and O) and N like to go out, but sometimes I think they have a little too much fun and they're a little rude to others. I like everyone and I'm not sure why everyone can't just all get along. We're only here for another 6 weeks and it's not like we all have to love each other. The boys don't like the girls because they think the girls talk crap about the boys. The girls don't like the boys because they're mad that the boys think the girls don't like them. It's ridiculous. A doesn't like the boys because they're too loud for him and the boys don't like A beacuse he is too serious. Don't even get me started on N. All the girls and A think that she's the reason for all of the drama. I don't even begin to know what's going on. I think it's all really stupid that anyone is talking badly about anyone else, especially since most of what everyone is saying is a lie. rawr. I hate the idea that the high school drama never ends, even after high school does. *grimace*

Today has been a fairly relaxed day thus far. I got to work at 9ish and got set up. Then I removed all the F1 worms from the plates I made yesterday and what came next was NOT making more worm plates. I am so thankful because picking worms is not exactly my favorite thing to do for 3 hours each day. Instead I started putting together my poster for the conference. I'm really excited about my poster, but I'm not sure how well it's going. I don't really know what I'm doing. Below is a screenshot of my poster so far.

It's got quite a ways to go and it has to be done by Monday so BC can look over it and make edits before I give my first runthrough at journal club on Tuesday. I'm not even thinking about presenting the poster at the Leadership Alliance. I got an e-mail telling me when my presentation time is and I thought I might vomit. haha. I'm getting nervous already and I don't present for another week. I'm probably going to continue to work on my poster for another two hours and then I'll score worms for an hour and a half before the end of the day. I can't stand sitting at the scope for much more than 90 minutes at a time. *wrinkles nose* I need to have something that looks like legends and stuff for my figures by 3ish when BC gets back from her meetings....and I have no idea what I'm doing or what I should write. oops.
well, it's about that time again; I should get back to work. I'm gonna put on some of my favorite American Idol tunes and pretend like I know what to say about my figures. I really should figure out how much text is acceptable...and soon.

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