Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Very Harry Weekend

Another Sunday, waking up earlier than I would like and not for church. I know there's a church in Hanover somewhere, but I'm not sure if it's the right kind of Lutheran or the wrong kind. hahaha. and yes, there is a difference. :)

Most of Friday afternoon was spent working on my poster. It's all set up now, but not exactly finished. I really should be working on that now, but I'm having too much fun. I put all the figures on and organized them and made my poster look all awesome. It's still not finished. I talked with BC about my poster and she made a few suggestions, but I've managed to forget everything she said to write in my captions. Ugh. I should have written it all down. Perhaps she'll be able to help me out tomorrow. I did make a cross plate for the males I made by heat shocking worms the other day, but that didn't take too long.

Friday night was a lot of fun. We'd intended to go see Star Trek at The Hop, but we missed the movie. We'd went out to get Ben and Jerry's before the movie, but O was still hungry so we went to EBA's. Our food came out and we almost finished our food before the movie started....and so we missed it. But once we'd finished at EBA's, we went home and put on 21. I fell asleep towards the end of the movie, so I don't know how it ended, but I enjoyed what I saw, especially the main character....I hadn't realized that he was the same guy as Jude in Across the Universe. Now if only he'd sing in 21. haha.

Saturday was quite a bit of fun. I got up early for a Saturday (9am) and went to breakfast at Lou's with R and AH. I had the pancake special. Peach pancakes with strawberries and syrup. Yum. I also had an egg: overhard, of course. It was delicious. Then we went to the Hanover streetfair. I didn't buy much, but I did buy a Dartmouth shirt. If I were really rich, I'd have a bunch of Dartmouth apparel already to make me look super cool. =] I really want a Dartmouth Medical School shirt, but the only one they had was white and I don't buy white shirts. After the streetfair I came back to Mid-Mass and took a nap. Then I got distracted from the work I am supposed to be doing by Hulu. I've seen all kinds of commercials for Hulu with the guy from Family Guy, but I didn't realize what it actually was until R told me. So I watched Angel. Pretty much all day. haha. I attempted to work on my poster some and study for the GRE some, but that David Boreanaz, he's awful distracting. ;-) I was quite surprised when I got a call from AH asking if I wanted to go out. So I put on my shoes and out we went. We headed for the Canoe Club for a late night snack and drinks. We'd just missed the live music, but our waiter-guy was entertainment enough. He certainly was the chatty one, and we might go back next Saturday to "ask for Danny". bwahahahahah. He certainly was an interesting one...

Today was a good day too. I got up at a relatively reasonable time (10am) and went to the gym around 11. I ran 3 miles on the elliptical. 2 miles forward, 1 mile backward. Then I biked for about 15 minutes. The machine wasn't exactly working, so I have no idea how long or how far I went. Oh well. But it was a nice workout and I was quite smelly at the end of it.
When we got back to Mid-Mass there was a BBQ going on. So AH and I grabbed R and B and we had a nice free lunch. I would have had a veggie burger, but they cooked them on the grill rendering them uneatable. Clearly the grillmaster at hand doesn't have any vegetarian friends. So I ate a piece of watermellon, some chips and a cheese and mustard sandwich. It was kind of tasty, but not super exciting.
Instead of working on my poster today I got super distracted by Angel. I attempted to write a few captions, but it didn't really work out so great. Maybe tomorrow. I have to finish tomorrow so I can send my poster to AB to have her check it out. I want BC to check it too, but she's gonna have to look for scientific accuracy, not if my poster is followable. *shrug*
Tonight I had dinner at Thayer with some of my friends and then almost all of us went to see Harry Potter. Oh My Goodness. It was super awesome. I'm sure lots of people are gonna pitch a fit about the movie/book continuity, but whatever. I liked it. It certainly was entertaining. I love Helena Bonham Carter. She makes a wicked Bellatrix. *grin* And Snape was a total bada$$. hahaha. I know some people are gonna love the romance but the whole Hermione-Ron-Lavender thing and the whole Harry-Ginny-Dean thing made me wanna vomit. haha. I suppose that means I'm not as romantic as I would like. Oh well..... But the movie was such an enjoying thing. I was pleasantly surprised.

Now it's bedtime. I'm watching another episode of Angel. ruh roh. I'm just over halfway through the season. I'm just surprised that I haven't finished the whole thing yet. hahahahah. I've got to get up early to get my clothes washed, otherwise I won't have anything to wear to work and that's just unacceptable. Hopefully I manage to get up in time to get my clothes washed and dried before work. I'm not quite sure I'm ready for another full week at work, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it. More soon if I have something to report. :)

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