Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Day for Tears and Anger

Something about today makes me very happy, and incredibly sad at the same time. B goes home today. She's on the Dartmouth Coach headed for Boston and her flight leaves for Boise at 5ish. I had a great day yesterday. I've had a fantastic week actually.
The weekend was mostly good. There were a few things that made it less than fabulous, but overall it was decent. The girls all went to NYC and didn't invite me. I was really crushed at first, but I realize that they did me a favor. I didn't have to spend money! So Friday night I spent the evening bonding with the roommate. N's friend came down to visit and we went to Applebees for dinner. C and O came too. It was a quite enjoyable dinner. Afterwards we went to Ice Cream Fore You: the greatest place EVER!! We took Ben to tour the labs and then we came back to hang out for a bit. I went to bed late and got up late. It was fabulous.
Saturday was a great day. The boys took the GRE in the morning. I met them for lunch around 2. We went to Murphy's for lunch. Unfortunately, my meds have been making me nauseous, so I didn't eat much of my lunch. After that I came back to the room and watched more Buffy. I'm so ridiculously obsessed. N got back from her date with K just in time for us all to pile into A's and N's cars and head to AB's for a nice BBQ. She made us all such great food. Chips and dip, lots of fruit, shrimp, stuffed burgers and chicken for everyone else, cheese veggie burger for me. homemade ice cream pie. oh my word. the food was soooooo good. AB is amazing. We had a lot of fun chatting, and we played a few games of croquet. I love that game and now I want a set of my own. A is so good, but I am almost as good as him. He doesn't like that very much. Actually, he likes to be best at everything. He reminds me of Eric a little. He makes me laugh for that very reason though. When I first saw him after the GRE, the first thing he said to me was "you win. I concede." What a nerd. During the game, he decided that I am the Queen. *snort* As if. I just work hard and efficiently. And it's not a competition, but he doesn't seem to get that. :) I have to admit, I kind of like being best. Of course, I am always doing my best, I don't do it because I like being best. After we got back from AB's, a few of us got ready to go out. We went all over Hanover trying to find a place that would take us....C's friend didn't have an ID. Who drives all the way from New York without his driver's license? Apparently this guy. So we played cards in the basement of Mid-Mass for a few hours until I got seriously tired of testosterone.
Sunday was a fabulous day. I got up late and got dressed and everything for a day of fun. AB picked up a bunch of us and we went to Gile Mountain and hiked up it. It wasn't a long trail, but my chest congestion kept me wheezing the whole way. :( But we got to the top and I climbed this HUGE fire watchtower and took pictures of the surrounding mountains. It was super cool. Then we all hiked down the moutain and AB took us canoeing and we grounded our canoe and went swimming for a bit. It was a great day and I had a lot of fun.
Monday came way too soon. I went to work and came home from work and watched Buffy until it was time for Secret Life of the American Teenager. N and I commandeered the tv downstairs to watch it. Then I came back up and went to bed.
Yesterday was pretty hectic. I went lab, but I didn't really do anything. We had our final poster session at the end of the day. I got all dressed up and set up my poster. Everyone from my lab came. They're all such great people. I'm really *really* going to miss them. Actually, if I think about it any longer, I might cry. I talked to quite a few people that I hadn't met before. I actually presented to the head of the Genetics department, but I didn't know it was him until afterwards. I'm glad, because he's supposed tobe a scary man. Actually, he told me I did a nice job, and once I realized who he was, I decided that that was a compliment. :)
Our whole group, plus George and Eric and Sandy went out to dinner at the Norwich Inn. It was a really really cute place and the food was decent. I'm still not feeling so great, so I sort of picked at my food. The company was great though. We sat at dinner for THREE hours. It was a lot of fun. Afterwards, since it was B's last night, we went to 5 Olde to celebrate our last night together. It was a lot of fun. It was cheap rib night, so the bar was crowded. Actually, B got hit on by a drunk thru-hiker. Gotta love those Appalachain trail people. They're quite a group. We chatted with this other hiker and her kids. They've got 1700 miles and have 400 to go. I can't believe she pulled her kids out of school for a year to hike the trail. That's crazy.
Today I got a bunch of stuff done in lab. Perhaps I'll write about it later, but now it's time for me to go out with everyone again to celebrate C's last night. I'm not enjoying this period of goodbyes at all. Seriously, I might cry. I had to say goodbye to S today too....he's going on vacation. Lucky duck.
Anyhoo, I'll write again soon.

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