Thursday, August 13, 2009

Just two weeks now. Almost time for me to come home!!!

Another day at the salt mines.
haha. makes me want sing.

Another day, another destiny.
This never ending road to Calvary.
...One. Day. More....

So I made it though another day. barely. I woke up and felt just fine. By lunch I was absolutely miserable. Stuffed up nose, sinus headache, upset stomach, nausea, heavy chest, labored breathing. rawr. it was super yucky. After lunch and another dose of meds and I felt pretty fine.
I wasted 3 hours of my morning being stupid. I did manage to set up my gel and run it, though I forgot that I needed to do it, so I didn't start right away. I got one of four samples to work! Hooray! Almost needless to say, the purification was a dismal failure. So I set the reaction up again. Lysis. PCR. Tomorrow I'll run the gel, then Stephane is gonna help me with the purification. BC is gone. She's done helping me out. She's being induced tomorrow. I can't wait to see her little boy. :-) It's a real shame that she's not going to see me through my last two weeks. Not much anyone can do about that though.
So I survived today. Got home around 7 and have spent most of the evening in bed watching Buffy. Just one more episode until I finish the second season. Then on to the third. It's really weird. I watched Angel first. So I know how the whole Buffy-Angel thing pans out. I don't like the scenes when they're together and I hate the scenes where Angel is the bad guy. I just wish that someone would find that stupid disc with the translation of the ritutal to give Angel his soul back. I like him better when he's got some sense of humanity. Also, I don't like David Boreanaz to be the bad guy. He's Booth for crying out loud. Plus, when he's nice, I think he totally wins over other Vamps. Team Edward? heck no! I'm Team Angel!! for sure.
Well, it's getting on that time. I need to head to bed to see if I can get some sleep so that my body can put itself right piece by piece. Go B cells! Go T cells! rah rah rah! dang, should have been a cheerleader...I would have kicked some major butt. *snicker*.
Another update soon...maybe this weekend if I can find a free second. It's gonna be pretty busy, and I'm pretty excited. :)

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