Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I've got a dreadful cough, sore throat, fever and a sinus headache; "mix in a little rectal surgery and it's my best day ever!"

Wednesday. Halfway through another week. Thankfully.
Somehow I've managed to get a cold in the middle of August. How? Beats me. I've been trying to get enough sleep and to eat as well as I can, but that hasn't seemed to keep me from getting ill.
Clearly I haven't been feeling well at all this week. Monday I was sluggish and yesterday I had a major migraine.
Sunday was super fun. AB and her friend Jared took me and O and C to a Manchester Fisher Cats game. We tailgated and then watched the game. They lost, but it was still a lot of fun. I enjoyed it greatly. The only problem about the whole day was that the car was not big enough for me and two big boys to be sitting in the backseat.
Monday, I set up my sequencing reaction and BC and I had all of my samples sent out to be sequenced. 7 samples, $42. yowzers. I wonder how much money BC has spent on my research. I feel bad that nothing has really come of it so far. Lab meeting was pretty short. We went around the table and discussed everyone's research. After that I did some paper hunting and started thinking about my presentation for journal club.
Tuesday was even more uneventful. I felt awful, but I still came into work. I set up another cross for my male mutant. He'd better start having more of those boy instincts of I'm going to be one very unhappy researcher. I chunked out a few of my old plates and spent most of the afternoon working on my journal club presentation. Class went smoothly. I presented my figure, fielded some questions and then came home to put my migraine to bed.
Today was a somewhat better day. Mentally, I was all clear. Physically, I felt like garbage. I had this disgusting deep cough for the early part of the day then the rest of the day, my chest just killed. yucky yucky yuck. First thing in the morning, BC and I went over the sequences I got back on Tuesday. One sequence didn't work out....something wrong with the gel or something. But my other control worked, as did the samples. So I have one mutant strain all set up. My triple mutant. <3 <3 <3 I'm pretty pumped about all that. Now I just have to do some more scoring, though that requires me to be able to look into the microscope for more than 20 minutes at a time. :(
Tonight was our careers dinner. George didn't tell me anything I hadn't already heard, but he certainly made me feel better about the whole process. No panicking. No fear. It was nice.
Tomorrow is BC's last day of work. She's being induced on Friday, which makes me really really excited. I'm really nervous about her being out of the lab though...I only hope that I'm capable of doing all the work on my own. We shall see.
It's time for me to go to bed. I shall update again soon.

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