Saturday, August 8, 2009

It's been a while......

*huge sigh of relief*
The GRE is over. finally. No more GRE class, no more crazy Kaplan lady, no more stress!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, no more stress for about 36 more hours...then I've got a few projects I need to get started on.
The last two weeks have been crazy busy. Lots of work, lots of class, and tons of studying.
I don't even know where to begin to get caught up.....I got back from the leadership alliance conference with a head full of ideas for graduate school, a desire to start searching and a little bit of terror for the whole process. I have no idea how anyone ever gets into graduate school and succeeds based on the information that I got that weekend....I know they were trying to help, but all they did was scare the bajeezus out of me. I actually had a mini crisis after this weekend trying to determine if I was actually cut out for graduate school. I mean, qualifying exam? public defense? talk about make me want to vomit. As if the entrance interview isn't scary enough. But I can do it. I can do anything I put my mind to. Just ask my mom.
So when I got back from the conference I really started pushing hard. I'd work until 5, studying my vocab words at work, working out of my course book after work. I had class 4 days of 5, and that was rough. I actually enjoyed the ethics class though. The weekend was crazy full of studying. I watched some Buffy the Vampire Slayer while studying. Perhaps not the best of study tools, but it was good for relaxing. SURF paid for us to have dinner and see a movie last weekend. We went to see The Hangover. It was the second time that I had seen it and it was probably funnier than the first. First of all, I was in much better company and the girls laughing made me laugh. Dinner at Murphy's was good too. I ate too much and loved it.
This past week I didn't get to watch any Buffy; I had too many things going on. I had my last GRE class on Monday and I am so glad that it over. That class was so painful. The only reason it was beneficial at all is because I got paid to go to all the classes and the other study tools were indespensible. Tuesday was another journal club. Only one left! Unfortunately I haven't found a paper to present yet, and that's not good. I need to ask BC about it tomorrow, otherwise I don't know what I'm going to do on Tuesday.
I've been working long hours this week. Wednesday I worked 9-10 and Thursday I worked 9-7:30ish and I went into the lab today rather than stay late last night. Yesterday, we went to dinner at Molly's to relax before the big day. We stayed out a little too late, but it was fun. I got up this morning bright and early to mentally prepare myself to take the GRE. AB picked me, R and AH up around 8 and we went and kicked that puppy in the butt. I think we're all pleased with our scores; none of us are planning on taking it again. I think I did well, but I certainly don't have any intention of telling anyone how I did. There's certainly no need to compare; I think we all did well. :) :) :) Another 3 students are taking the GRE next weekend...the boys this time (C, A and M)...I think we might be going to AB's afterwards for a cookout. I think it'll be fun. And it'll be nice to relax with everyone before the program winds down. I leave in 3 weeks, but B, the first to leave, leaves in 10 days. It'll be extremely boring once people start leaving. B is leaving early, R is leaving early, C and A are leaving early. I think M and N are leaving a few days early, and I think only AH, O and I will be here until the end. I'm certainly not ready to start thinking about my final paper, though I definitely need to. Yucky yuck.
No one wanted to go to Molly's with me for their famous $2 margarita. Maybe another day. Instead I'm going to celebrate my success today with a bottle of Mike's and just relax for the first time since I started working on my poster *before* the Leadership Alliance conference. I'm gonna either go back to watching Buffy or read some of On The Beach before bed. Tomorrow is another early (ish) day filled with exciting activities and I am absolutely pumped about it all. :)
<3 I love Dartmouth. <3

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